A task in my project starts earlier than the project start date
A task in your project starts earlier than the project start date.
You might have set a date constraint, such as Start No Earlier Than (SNET) or Must Start On (MSO), which ties the task to a date earlier than the project's start date. These constraints can cause the task to be scheduled before the project's start date.
The task might have an external dependency to a task in another project. That dependency might be causing the task to start earlier than the project start date.
The task might have an actual start date recorded before the project start date.
If your task has a date constraint to begin no earlier than the project's start date, reset the constraint. Select the task, click Task Information
, and then click the Advanced tab. In the Constraint type list, click As Soon As Possible.
If your task requires an external dependency, change the project start date to match the external dependency date. On the Project menu, click Project Information. In the Start date box, enter the new date.
If your task has an incorrect actual start date, select the task, and then on the Tools menu, point to Tracking, and then click Update Tasks. Under Actual, change the date in the Start box.