View and add documents to your project workspace site
Before you add a document to a document library, a workspace site needs to be created for your project. Typically, a workspace site for your project is automatically created when you first publish a project, but if this hasn't happened, ask your server administrator about creating a workspace site for your project. Some workspace sites may need to be manually created by an administrator.
On the Quick Launch, click Projects.
Select the project for which you want to add a document to its workspace site, click Go To, and then click Documents.
A new window opens displaying a list of document libraries for the selected project. By default, all projects have a document library called Project Documents. If you can't locate it, it may have been renamed or deleted.
To add documents to the document library, click Project Documents.
To create a new document for the library, on the New menu, click New Document, and then edit and save the document in the directory indicated in the Save As dialog box. If you save the document to a different folder, it won't be included in the document library until you upload it later.
When you save a document for the first time, you may be asked to provide additional information to help others work with the document, such as the document owner's name and the status of the document.
Note: To create a new document, you must have the 2007 Microsoft Office system installed.
To upload an existing document, on the Upload menu, click Upload Document.
Click Browse to find the file that you want to add, select the file, and then click Open.
To replace an existing file with a revised file, in the Upload Document section, select the Overwrite existing file(s)? check box.
Tip: To upload multiple documents, click Upload Multiple Files.
On the next page, select the documents that you want to upload, and then click OK. The document will be added to the document library, and you will return to the Project Documents page.
On the Project Documents page, you can create additional documents or close the window and return to the Project Center.
Tip: After you add documents to a project workspace site, they can be linked to project issues, risks, and project tasks.
Why can't I perform some actions in Microsoft Office Project Web Access?
Depending on the permissions settings you used to log on to Project Web Access, you may not be able to see or use certain features. Also, what you see on some pages may differ from what is documented if your server administrator customized Project Web Access and did not customize the Help to match.