Touch gestures and keyboard shortcuts in OneNote for Windows 8
OneNote for Windows 8 supports several touch gestures and keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate its interface and commands more easily.
Touch gestures
Radial menus
To expand a radial menu, activate its commands, and view its available sub-menus, tap its icon when it appears on the screen.
To show additional commands related to a particular command on the radial menu, tap the arrow next to that command or swipe from the center to the edge in the direction of the arrow.
To quickly activate any of the top-level commands of a radial menu, swipe around its icon on the screen without first expanding it. As you swipe around the icon, a tooltip confirms the command that will be applied when you take your finger off of the screen.
See Use radial menus to display OneNote commands for more information.
To show the navigation, place your finger on the canvas and swipe to the right.
To display OneNote options, go to any page in your notebook, swipe from the right edge of the screen to the left, and then tap Settings.
To reorder or move pages and sections in your notebook, drag the page or section horizontally until it comes loose, and then drop it to where you want.
To select or change notebooks, sections, or pages, tap the notebook tab, section tab, or page tab you want.
To quickly select a notebook, section, or page, and display the app bar, swipe horizontally across the notebook tab, section tab, or page tab you want.
Page canvas
To quickly pan across the page, tap and hold in a blank part of the page, and then swipe in the direction you want to pan.
To select a word, tap the text, and then drag on the circular handle that appears to make a selection.
Search and settings
To display the Windows 8 charms bar, swipe from the right edge of the screen to the left.
App bar
To display the OneNote for Windows 8 app bar, swipe upwards from the bottom of the screen.
Keyboard shortcuts
If you're using a physical keyboard with OneNote for Windows 8, you can save time by using the following supported keyboard shortcuts for popular commands and tasks.
Typing, editing, and navigating notes
To do this | Press |
Cut | CTRL+X |
Copy | CTRL+C —or— CTRL+INSERT |
Paste | CTRL+V —or— SHIFT+INSERT |
Cancel current level of an interface control | ESC |
Select all text and objects on a page | CTRL+A |
Create a new page | CTRL+N |
Create a new page after the current page | CTRL+ALT+N |
Create a new subpage | CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N |
Promote a subpage to a page | CTRL+ALT+{ (OPEN BRACE) |
Demote a page to a subpage | CTRL+ALT+} (CLOSE BRACE) |
Create a new section | CTRL+T |
Mark a page as read or unread | CTRL+Q |
Navigate to the previous page in the list | CTRL+PAGE UP |
Navigate to the next page in the list | CTRL+PAGE DOWN |
Navigate to the first page in the current section | ALT+HOME |
Navigate to the last page in the current section | ALT+END |
Navigate to the previously viewed page | ALT+LEFT ARROW |
Navigate to the next previously viewed page | ALT+RIGHT ARROW |
Toggle the notebook list on or off | ALT+F1 |
Navigate to the title of the current page | CTRL+SHIFT+T |
Navigate to the destination of a link | CTRL+ENTER (while cursor is on link text) |
Cycle through user interface elements | F6 (press one or more times) |
Zoom in on the current page | CTRL+PLUS SIGN (Numpad only) |
Zoom out on the current page | CTRL+MINUS SIGN (Numpad only) |
Insert the current date | ALT+SHIFT+D |
Insert the current time | ALT+SHIFT+T |
Insert the current date and time | ALT+SHIFT+F |
Formatting text
To do this | Press |
Make selected text bold | CTRL+B |
Make selected text italic | CTRL+I |
Underline selected text | CTRL+U |
Superscript selected text | CTRL+SHIFT+= (EQUAL SIGN) |
Highlight selected text | CTRL+SHIFT+H |
Toggle text highlighting on or off | CTRL+ALT+H |
Copy text formatting | CTRL+SHIFT+C |
Paste text formatting | CTRL+SHIFT+V |
Apply the "To Do" tag to the current line of text | CTRL+1 |
Apply the "Important" tag to the current line of text | CTRL+2 |
Apply the "Question" tag to the current line of text | CTRL+3 |
Remove note tags from the current line of text | CTRL+0 |
Increase Font Size by 1 point | CTRL+SHIFT+. (PERIOD) |
Decrease Font Size by 1 point | CTRL+SHIFT+, (COMMA) |
Align the current paragraph to the left | SHIFT+ALT+LEFT ARROW |
Align the current paragraph to the right | SHIFT+ALT+RIGHT ARROW |
Start or end a bulleted list item | CTRL+. (PERIOD) —or— CTRL+SHIFT+L |
Start or end a numbered list item | CTRL+? —or— CTRL+SHIFT+O |
Searching, sharing, and syncing notes
To do this | Press |
Search notes | CTRL+E |
Share current page | WINDOWS KEY+H |
Manually sync the current notebook | SHIFT+F9 |
Manually sync all notebooks | F9 |
Working with tables
To do this | Press |
Insert a new row below | CTRL+ENTER |
Insert a new column to the right | CTRL+ALT+R |
Insert a new column to the left | CTRL+ALT+E |