Felix Brych with his fifth game at EURO 2020: the semifinal between Italy and Spain at Wembley. Let's comment here his performance.
London, 6 July 2021 21:00 CET
Referee: Felix Brych (GER)
Assistant Referee 1: Mark Borsch (GER)
Assistant Referee 2: Stefan Lupp (GER)
Fourth Official: Sergei Karasev (RUS)
Fifth Official:
Video Assistant Referee: Marco Fritz (GER)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 1:Christian Dingert (GER)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 2: Christian Gittelmann (GER)
Assistant Video Assistant Referee 3: Bastian Dankert (GER)
UEFA Referee Observer: Hugh Dallas (SCO)
UEFA Delegate: Myrsini Psarropoulou (GRE)